Importance of SLEEP
Sleep plays a very important part in our lives and of course in our bodies. I am one of those who cannot work next day if I don't get proper sleep the previous night. I can feel how my body reacts to that insufficient sleep. In fact, every human being has been privileged by the Almighty with same qualities, its just that you need to realise its importance, take action and benefit. One of the best statement I have read in this regard is this
If you listen to your body when it whispers you wont have to hear it scream
- First of all lets understand what happens to our body when we sleep.
- Secondly , not being able to sleep properly affects our body in following ways
In a nutshell Sleep affects all major system of our body which are Immune system, Central Nervous system, Digestive System, Respiratory System, Cardio vascular system.
So, go take that time to sleep like a baby. Handover all your tasks to someone else, postponed them but not stake your health for sleep.
How to get a Good Night Sleep would be an obvious next question.
Before taking this question in detail, I have a question for you.
"Do you actually know if you are getting a good sleep?
If you feel any of the below signs, you are sleep deprived
- Need an alarm clock in order to wake up on time
- Rely on the snooze button
- Have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning
- Feel sluggish in the afternoon
- Get sleepy in meetings, lectures, or warm rooms
- Get drowsy after heavy meals or when driving
- Need to nap to get through the day
- Fall asleep while watching TV or relaxing in the evening
- Feel the need to sleep in on weekends
- Fall asleep within five minutes of going to bed
- Fatigue, lethargy, and lack of motivation
- Moodiness and irritability
- Reduced creativity and problem-solving skills
- Inability to cope with stress
- Concentration and memory problems
- Weight gain
- Difficulty making decisions
- Difficulty falling asleep at night or getting back to sleep after waking during the night
- Waking up frequently during the night
- Your sleep feels light, fragmented, or exhausting
Now, if you have any of these symptoms, you definitely need a good night sleep.
Now that you know your sleeping habits needs to be improved, you need to figure out the cause of insufficient sleep.
The cause of insufficient sleep could be
- Heavy Dinner
- Improper food/nutrition during the day ( this includes not eating according to your body type)
- Stress, Tension,anxiety, fear, hatred, jealous ( All these useless emotions interfere with your system)
- Any Disease ( that you may or may not be aware)
- Wishfully not sleeping ( these days night outs, watching TV Late night etc are in so called fashion)
Now, that you know the exact cause that you are unable to sleep like a baby, take action accordingly. Below are the tips/rituals you can perform to get that sleep.
- Create a bedtime ritual to spend Evening hours at home with the people, pet, books doing activities that you love.Just before bedtime, it's also recommended to adopt a practice that inspires you, such as reading an uplifting book, writing in your journal, going for an evening walk, listening to soothing music, or practising meditation.
- Sleep by 10 PM to arise by 6 AM ( Early to Bed Early to Rise make a (Wo)man healthy , wealthy and wise.)
- Turn off your T.V., Laptop and keep your mobile aside to be able to attend only in case a call needs to be attended
- Eat a light dinner.
- Take a leisurely stroll after you eat.
- Minimize exciting, aggravating, or mentally intensive activities after 8:30 p.m.
- Once in bed, close your eyes and simply “feel your body.” Focus on your body and wherever you notice tension, consciously relax that area.
- Then, simply watch your slow easy breathing until you fall asleep.
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