Marrige or Agony?

I am so tired of seeing so many people’s lives being ruined by the so called life time commitment called marriage. Can we please stop this concept of marriage if you do not actually know what it is and what it is meant for?

Marriage is meant to be for 2 people to live together happily without any limitations. It is meant to be for the benefit of each other and not to ruin each other’s life. Marriage is meant to get the best out of each other helping each other grow while loving each other.
These days it’s become like a licence to freely cause harm to a person and get away with it without any punishment. What worse can you think when the person thinks he/she owns the other person once married. The problem exists with both arranged and love marriages as well.
And do you know some really ridiculous reasons people use to get married?
      1)    You need a partner to live life and difficult to live alone and without even realising if the person you are marrying is your best fit or not and do you both actually complement each other or not. Well you do need a partner and you need to make sure you have the RIGHT Partner. Don’t just go for anyone for the sake of it, neither of you are going to be happy.

      2)      Parents need to get their kids married to finish off their duties. Really? Really? Really? I mean just because you think it’s your duty to get your kids to be independent and getting them married is one of the steps toward it, you get them married sometimes only to later realise they are stuck in a relationship which is taking them nowhere and then the so called Indian culture mentality to not get separated. They keep living a miserable life.  At least at that point do you think it was not right time, circumstances or person to get married to?

      3)      Yet another reason by our so called Indian society and parents is they need a kid to continue the family. Haah! Really? Do you even know what’s going to happen once you are gone from this world? What are you going to achieve by continuing your family? What is the purpose? Your children get married for your sake and then you have 2 beautiful souls stuck in a relation they are not meant to be. What more when they have kids and you are stuck up for your lifetime. Do you know the kids suffer as well because of that? Kids grow best in a nurturing environment. How do you expect the kids to have that when their parents don’t love each other and are fulfilling duties for the sake of it? And is it worth ruining life for the sake of fulfilling parents wish for which they are not even going to see what happens to them once they are gone? 

      4)      The worst reason for Indian parents to get their girls married is to get rid of them. I am sorry for using that statement, but that’s the case. I have come across so many girls whose life has been ruined just because they want them to get married and get away with their duties. My heart bleeds seeing those girls full of life who can do wonders, change the world with their dreams, getting married without even their consent or just doing it for the sake of their parents so called Love. How easily parents can get away with their excuses like
·       they have to get married one day, the sooner the better.
·       Let her in laws and husband decide how she needs to live her life after marriage
·       What if something wrong happens to the girl before marriage, who will marry her?
·       Will be difficult to have babies later
      5)      Some parents look towards marriage as a healing thing for their children. haah? Don’t you think the other person with whom you are getting them married deserves love and peace? You are being so selfish and on top of that this is the wrong solution to the problem. Damn it, go and get them healed before even you think of getting them married

In any of the above cases, do you even see if both the people getting married are made for each other?
Do they understand the meaning of Marriage?
Before even understanding the meaning of marriage, do they understand themselves? How do I expect my partner to understand me and support me when I myself don’t know myself very well?
A person should first understand himself/herself first before even committing to another person.

I wish the world understands the purpose of marriage and not just do it for the sake of some ridiculous reasons. 


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