Eating Mindfully

Eating Mindfully

Eating mindfully is another key to  staying healthy.

What does it mean to be mindful?
Being mindful means being aware of what you are doing , why you are doing and what would be the results of doing it.

Here are the key points to take care when eating your meals.
  • When you are about to eat your meal, make sure you sit with a calm mind. There should be no negative emotions going on inside.  If you are going through negative emotions, take a deep breathe, calm down first. 
  • Next, look at your meal. What does it consist of? What are the items that you will eat,? 
  • What are they made of, which nutrients they have or at least how full of nutrients it is. 
  • How was it prepared
  • How you should eat it ( Chew your bite completely to make it liquid in your mouth and pay attention to its taste. You will see focusing on your taste buds will make you eat less. Wait for the bite in mouth to finish before getting that next bite ready) 
  • How much you need it (  When you start your food, think what the size of your stomach is. Its the size of a fist. Now see your food plate and decide how much you will actually need and also make a decision to stop eating when you think that you are just little less than finished. It is better to keep the food away than put that unwanted food in your stomuch. The amount of money or respect for food you are trying to save is actually doing much more harm to your body and mind than you think. Its better to take less in your plate first time and take as much as needed after that)
  • What effect will that food have on you ( Imagine the effect of good food and  nutrition on your body like I am eating curd and I imagine how its beneficial for my gut and as a result keeps my constipation away, provides calcium and vitamin D which is good for bones and in general for many other functions in our body )
  • Complete focus on your food with no gadgets like TV, Phone, tablets, laptop etc. The idea is no attention diversion. When you have your focus on food, it will digest and absorb nutrients better
  • Your seating posture should relax your body. When we sit down with legs folded, the tension from different parts/muscles/nerves of the body is released. When we eat with relaxed mind and body, out food gets digested and absorbed more nicely .
  • Once finish, you should sit there for at least 5-10 minutes thinking of what you ate, how its taste was, did you like it? was anything missing? is there any change needed next time.

Don't panic seeing the bullet items. Its more easy and less time consuming and good for health than you think. Initially you need to remember and do all this. Once you get to used to it , it will not take much time.

When we follow all these instructions, there will be less fat accumulation and better nutrient absorption leading to good health ultimately.


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