Four Pillars of Health
Four Pillars of Health
Health! A word which is seen so differently by different people. Some people look at it like weight loss, some look at it like fat loss while there are some who look at losing inches etc. Have you ever wondered health is much more than that.
A healthy body means all the 11 systems ( Circulatory system, digestive system, Endocrine system, Exocrine system, Lymphatic system, muscular system, Nervous system, Urinary system, Reproductive System, Respiratory system, Skeletal System ) in our body are absolutely healthy. So, its absolutely important that we understand our own system and how to take care of them. Now, I don't mean we all should become doctors to get all that information. However, we should definitely have some basic knowledge about what our body consists of and which system is responsible for doing what. There is a reason/science behind it which can only be felt. When you know and feel which action of yours affects which system of your body and thank God for it, that system heals and works towards being more healthy.
Health cannot be achieved only by diet and exercise. Health is a by product of
1. Balanced state of mind
2. Knowledge of our physical system
3. Proper Nutrition
4. Adequate Exercise
When you start working on these 4, is when you actually start working on your health. These are the four pillars of our well being. Don't get overwhelmed with information and think you cannot as this looks too much. If you are determined to take control of your health and start taking action, all these will start falling in to their place. Slow and steady with faith and patience everything can be achieved.
I am sure all of you know or at-least have an idea of Proper nutrition and exercise affects our bodies and we need to work on them. However, we do not realise how a balanced state of mind and our knowledge of our bodies can do wonders. Now, what do I mean when I say "Balanced state of mind" ?
A balanced state of mind is when our mind are free of negative emotions like
- Hatred
- Jealousy
- Fear
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Sadness/Depression
- Anger
- Hurt
- Being Judgemental
- Stress
We talk of how our previous generations were healthy and the reasons behind it like the quality of food and the environment during those times. We miss that there are more reasons than just these. They did not have the amount of stress we carry these days. I have seen this especially with we girls/women, we want to achieve so many things and everything should be perfect. In that zeal to achieve and be perfect, we not only take unnecessary stress, we also forget to enjoy our journey of achievement and the achievement itself.
These negative emotions that go on in our minds interfere with the the way our food is digested , absorbed and heals our body. In addition to this if we replace these emotions with Gratitude and Love, it can do wonders to our health.
The next point is knowledge of our bodies. By this, I mean 2 things
1) First, basic knowledge of our body systems. Which system, organ is responsible for what and how to take care of it. Also, how each of these systems are interdependent on each other and make a complete system called body.
2) Secondly, listening to your body. Our body does give us some signals and we ignore those signals. For example, if you have a headache, there are reasons for it. You need to learn to listen to your body and identify the reason for it. This way you cure the root cause instead of just suppressing the headache with some painkillers which in turn have side effects causing more problems to our body.
Start looking at health with a bigger mindset and see how it starts adding to your health.
Stay Healthy and happy always!
Stay Healthy and happy always!
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